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The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Mica Powder

The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Mica Powder

Mica powder is pure magic in powdered form. This natural source of effervescent sparkle shows up everywhere in the art world, from soapmaking to scrapbooking. Every artist is asking about how to use mica powder in their projects!

As much fun as it can be to hoard every color and keep it on the shelf, the absolute joy comes from adding a touch of fairy dust to all of your art projects. 

Digging right in and using a new art supply can be intimidating, especially when it's brand new and perfectly packed into a neat little jar. Mica color powder packs a lot of pigment in a small package, and you don't want to waste it or overdo it.

The first step toward becoming mica-obsessed is learning how to use your brand new mica powder appropriately. 

Curious about how to add some magical mica to your next project? Read on to learn how to use mica powder and why mica powder from Hippie Crafter might become your new arts and crafts obsession.

Painting With Mica Powder

One of the best benefits of mica powder is that even synthetic mica powder comes from a natural source. As a result, it's both cheaper and less toxic than other pigments and additives. You can use it to create a gorgeous metallic coating to add to any surface that takes paint. 

Because mica comes in so many colors and shades, you'll begin making your paint by selecting the right color combination. 

Ways to Mix Colors

One way to start is by choosing two colors or shades of mica powder that look great together. You'll want to put your knowledge of color theory to the test as you mix and match your colors. If you have some painting experience and understand the basics of color mixing, you'll have no problem coming up with an incredible combination. 

Another method is to add a refined, iridescent white mica powder to a solid pigment. You will only need to add a little bit of the colored powder to your white pigment to create a glittering version of your favorite color. The more translucent the solid pigment, the better.

You might also try using another product called universal tint, which comes in a liquid form. You can add it to a mica powder that you already like but might want to tweak slightly. You can do the same with any existing paint that does not contain aluminum. 

Creating Paint

Once you have thoroughly combined your powders and mixed up the color of your dreams, simply mix that mica powder right into your medium. If you're working with paper, it's as simple as adding the powder to water and brushing or spraying it on! 

You can mix your paint by hand, with no special machinery necessary. The final appearance of your homemade paint will depend on the thickness of the paint and how many layers you apply. A light coating will create a subtle metallic sheen that looks incredible on surfaces ranging from paper to wood. 

Mica Powder in Melt and Pour Soap

Soap makers are also banging down the doors of mica powder suppliers since it makes a gorgeous addition to homemade soaps

Follow the instructions above to mix your powders and create the colors of your dreams. In the case of soap, you will want to avoid coloring or combining your mica powder with paint.

You will simply follow the instructions for melting your pre-made soap base. Mica powder does show up better in a transparent or translucent soap base, so keep that in mind. We suggest starting with a simple, clear melt-and-pour base so that you can see the mica powder working its magic. 

Once your base has liquified, you'll want to add your powder directly to your melt. If you plan to add fragrance, you can add it at this stage, too. Pour your colored soap base into your mold like usual, and sit back as your soap solidifies into something genuinely gorgeous. 

If mica bubbles float to the surface during this process, a little spritz of rubbing alcohol is all you need to get rid of them. 

Mica Powder in Resin Projects

At Hippie Crafters, we're huge fans of creating with epoxy resin. You can use it in projects ranging from furniture renovation to jewelry making. Because the epoxy resin offered by Hippie Crafters is completely clear, it's an excellent accompaniment for mica powder uses. 

Resin is almost as versatile as mica powders, and the combination leads to gorgeous and creative projects. Consider using mica powder in varying concentrations to create an ombre effect in your resin. 

Jewelry makers love the combination of resin and mica powder because it adds depth to their bespoke pendants. 

If you're adding mica powder to resin, it's important to remember that a little goes a long way. About three ounces of mica powder is enough to color an entire gallon of epoxy resin. You will add the mica only after you have mixed the resin with the hardener. 

All you need to do from there is mix the mica and resin to combine - and then create! 

How to Use Mica Powder

There aren't many craft supplies that are more versatile than mica powder. If you are looking for intensely pigmented colors and magical sparkle effects, you really can't go wrong. You can combine it, add it to extant supplies, or use it straight out of the jar. 

At Hippie Crafters, we offer everything you need to get started with mica powder, including a color assortment that will keep you busy mixing shades for hours. 

Now that you know how to use mica powder, what's stopping you? Check out the Hippie Crafters Online Catalog to pick up everything you need to create.